Surrealist Digital Landscape Assignment

 This is my Surrealist Digital Landscape Assignment. The picture above shows what background I used. As I was searching, I found this beautiful picture that I decided to use. Then, I got the idea of recreating the scene when Olaf in Frozen 2 was calling Samantha. That is why I put Olaf as he looks worried. Then, I put a bunch of eyes and the name "Samantha" in the sky. I tried to make it look creepy as if Samantha, in the sky, was looking at Olaf. Then, I used my original basic idea of adding mushrooms on the rocks and dices in the water. It was a very random idea which is why I used it. Then, I changed the opacity of all the mushrooms, dices, eyes, and the words saying "Samantha". This made the scene look even more amazing. It also made Olaf pop out more since he was brightly white and near the center attracting attention. It was interesting to learn how the idea of surrealism was born and spread throughout the world of art. 


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